Depending upon the depth of the laser, the Erbium laser peel can be performed in two ways- Micro laser Peel & Nano laser Peel.

Micro laser peel is deeper than Nano laser peel, therefore, you will experience a little bit more downtime.

Micro Laser Peel

MicroLaser Peel is the perfect tool for removing mild to deep wrinkles that are the result of aging.

How it Works

The treatment strips away light to mild wrinkles easily and quickly. The depth of the treatment is customizable depending on the severity of aging, it gently removes the outer layers of sun damaged skin to the reveal new skin underneath. This treatment stimulates skin cell turn over and promotes the formation of collagen and elastin fibers that will strengthen in the skin.

What to Expect (heal time may vary depending on the depth of the treatment)

Day 1: Immediately post treatment, the skin will be red and have a similar sensation to a sunburn.

Day 2: The skin can still be warm, irritated and become darker as it begins to crust over.

Day 3 – 4: The skin will continue to exfoliate as new skin cells replace the damaged ones.

Day 5: The skin may still be pink in appearance, however it will look tighter and brighter.

Depending on the depth of the treatment, patients can typically wear makeup within 2 – 4 days of the treatment.

Nano Laser Peel:

Nano Laser Peel is a short-downtime, light treatment that removes the top most layer of the stratum corneum returning the natural smoothness and lustrous glow of the skin.

A Nano Laser Peel requires only topical anesthetic and has very short down time with most patients returning to work on Monday with refreshed, luminous skin… hence it is sometimes called a ‘weekend peel’.

Unlike chemical peels, with downtime dependent on exposure time and consistency of chemical formulation, a Nano Laser Peel from Sciton’s erbium technology can be tuned independently for depth and coagulation to achieve the results and downtime desired. Nano Laser Peel is also a perfect introduction to laser treatments for any patient interested in the newest an easy, precise way to get smoother, brighter skin.

What to Expect (heal time may vary depending on the depth of the treatment)

Day 1: Immediately post treatment, the skin will be pink and have a similar sensation to a sunburn.

Day 2: The skin can become darker as it begins to crust over and exfoliate.

Day 3: The skin may still be pink in appearance, however it will look tighter and brighter.

Post Care

At home care is crucial to the success of any procedure. The necessary home care includes a gentle cleanser, an occlusive barrier cream such as a laser balm or gel, a moisturizer, and a broad spectrum SPF.

Schedule you complimentary consultation with Dr. Mira today!