Platelet-rich plasma (PRP):

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a treatment that is used to accelerate growth & healing in various areas of the body like face, scalp to restore hair growth , vaginal rejuvenation, joints etc.

Platelets are a component of blood, along with red and white blood cells. When a person sustains a cut or wound, the platelets are some of the body’s “first responders” that arrive to stop the bleeding and promote healing.

Researchers theorized that if they could extract concentrated platelets and inject them into damaged areas of the body, they could accelerate healing.

To produce PRP, a medical professional will take a blood sample and put it into a machine called a centrifuge. This machine spins at a rapid rate, which separates the components of the blood. The medical professional then extracts the platelets for injection.

PRP for Hair Loss:

PRP contains a range of growth factors and proteins that speed tissue repair. As some types of hair loss result from damage to hair follicles, researchers initially hypothesized that PRP could help regrow hair by reversing the process that occurs in androgenetic alopecia.

PRP with Microneedling:

This procedure can be used to treat everything from age spots and wrinkles to scarring and other forms of hyperpigmentation. PRP injections may boost these effects and help you achieve your desired results faster.
While normal microneedling is used to treat stretch marks and scars on other areas of the body, PRP is usually for the face.

PRP for vaginal Rejuvenation:

The vaginal PRP comprises the injection of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into the upper wall of the vagina and clitoris, triggering stem cells’ multiplication and “younger” tissue growth.

Growth Factors released from the activated PRP, promote collagen and elastin production inside the vagina and around the clitoris, causing its expansion due to tissue thickening, leading to easier stimulation, sexual enhancement and improved vaginal hydration.

Are there side effects?

The most common side effects are bruising and inflammation.  They typically appear immediately after the procedure and clear within four to five days. You’ll want to avoid sun exposure and harsh skin treatments during this time. Since PRP contains your own blood, there is little chance of cross-contamination or infection.

What does my recovery look like?

Recovery for this procedure is relatively minimal. You can go back to work the next day, if you wish. There may still be some redness and other signs of minor irritation. You will want to avoid applying too many products to your skin. Simply cleanse and moisturize your skin twice a day. Follow with a lightweight foundation or powder, as desired, to minimize redness.

You’ll want to avoid alcohol-based products and exfoliants during the recovery stage. Sun exposure may also slow down your results.

Until your skin has completely healed, avoid rigorous activities that might cause excessive sweating and heat production. Examples include running, playing tennis, and heavy workouts. Sweating may cause additional irritation and rigorous activities may increase the risk of swelling or bruising. This usually should be avoided for at least 72 hours after your treatment.